wcc blog thc drinks

What if you could enjoy the effects of THC without smoking? THC drinks have been gaining popularity in recent years as a new way for users to consume THC, the psychoactive compound found in cannabis. Unlike traditional methods of consumption such as smoking or vaping, THC drinks offer a discreet and convenient way to enjoy the benefits of THC without the harmful effects of smoking. Read on as we explore the world of THC drinks.

What Are THC Drinks?

A THC drink is a beverage that contains THC, which is the psychoactive element of the cannabis plant. They are available in a variety of forms, including soda, tea, lemonade, and more, and are commonly infused with cannabis extract or oil. They are an excellent option for consuming cannabis discreetly and conveniently, and they are frequently labelled with the amount of THC per serving. To avoid overconsumption, follow dosage instructions carefully.

Health Benefits of THC Drinks

  • Aids with muscle cramps – This is because muscle cramps are often caused by a lack of electrolytes. A majority of infused waters and sodas contain electrolytes, which is why they can aid in cramps.
  • Boosts metabolism – The metabolism of your body plays a major role in how you feel. Since THC is an appetite stimulant, it can help with hunger and cravings, which can be helpful for those suffering from poor diets.
  • Relieves pain – Pain is an anxiety-causing experience, which is why it can be so difficult to deal with. Certain strains can aid with pain, especially those that contain a high CBD/THC ratio.
  • Useful for insomnia – Both THC and CBD have anti-anxiety effects that can be helpful for those experiencing insomnia. This can be particularly useful for those who suffer from PTSD.

Drawbacks of THC Drinks

  • THC dosing may not be precise – There is a high possibility that you may not receive the exact amount of cannabinoids you want to feel. This is due to the fact that cannabis is consumed through a different process than other foods, which may result in altered cannabinoids.
  • Taste may not be to everyone‟s liking – Some people may not enjoy the taste of infused waters and sodas, which can be an issue if you are consuming them outside of social settings.
  • Cost – These drinks can be significantly more expensive than smoking the same amount of cannabis.

Should You Drink Cannabis or Smoke It?

The decision to smoke cannabis or drink it ultimately comes down to personal preference and the desired effects. When cannabis is smoked, it absorbs THC into the bloodstream quickly through the lungs. This may be advantageous for those experiencing pain or anxiety, as it delivers fast relief. Smoking can also damage the respiratory system and be harsh on the lungs. On the other hand, when you drink cannabis, the THC is absorbed slower into the bloodstream. Although it results in more potent, longer lasting effects, it does take 30-60 minutes for the THC to take effect. The decision between smoking and consuming cannabis is determined by the person’s preferences and desired effects.


Many people choose to consume marijuana in the form of THC-infused drinks, but it‟s important to understand the pros and cons of both. If you‟re looking for a way to consume your cannabinoids that is both discreet and healthy for your body, THC drinks can be a great choice.  If you are interested in trying THC drinks, visit Wccannabis.co online dispensary today.

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