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Dabbing is the latest trend in cannabis consumption, offering a more potent and flavorful experience than traditional smoking. But if you’re just getting started, you may be wondering what exactly a dab rig is and how it works. Dab rigs are specialized devices used for vaporizing concentrated cannabis extracts, also known as dabs. Unlike traditional smoking, a dab rig does not require combustion or burning of cannabis material. Instead, it utilizes a combination of heat and vacuum pressure to create vapor, offering a much smoother and more flavorful experience than smoking. With the right setup and a few tips, dabbing can be a safe and enjoyable way to consume your favorite cannabis extracts. In this guide, we’ll cover the basics of dab rigs so you can get started on your dabbing journey.

What are dab rigs?

Dab rigs are specialized devices used for vaporizing concentrated cannabis extracts, also known as dabs. They come in a variety of designs, including desktop, handheld and dab pen styles, with different features and functionality to meet all needs. With their simple design and a variety of options, dab rigs are a great choice for beginners and experts alike. Dab rigs use a combination of heat and vacuum pressure to create vapor, offering a much smoother and more flavorful experience than smoking. Unlike traditional smoking, a dab rig does not require combustion or burning of cannabis material. Instead, a heat source is used to extract the cannabinoids and terpenes from the concentrate, leaving no ash or residue left behind. This ensures a cleaner and more efficient extraction, maximizing the potency and flavor of your dab.

Benefits of using a dab rig

There are many benefits to using a dab rig as opposed to other methods of consumption. Dabbing is a more efficient extraction method compared to other forms of consumption. In traditional consumption, only 5-15% of the cannabinoids are absorbed by the body. However, this number is much higher with dabbing – up to 50%. While dabbing is more efficient, it’s also much more potent than other forms of consumption. With lower THC levels in other forms of consumption, it’s easier to find the right dose for each person. But with higher THC levels in dabbing, it’s more difficult to find the right dose. Along with being more potent, dabbing allows you to customize the experience with different strains and terpenes. Traditional consumption is limited to the strain you buy and the terpenes are lost in the burning process. With dabbing, you can choose which terpenes you want to experience, with higher levels of terpenes present in the extract.

Dabbing tips and safety considerations

  • Choose the right temperature – When dabbing, it’s important to choose the right temperature for your experience. The temperature recommended for dabbing depends on the type of concentrate. You can usually find this information on the container or packaging. When in doubt, choose a lower temperature.
  • Clean your rigs – A clean rig is essential for safe and healthy dabbing. Make sure to carefully clean your rig with 91% isopropyl alcohol before and after each use to prevent any bacteria buildup.
  • Enjoy responsibly – Dabbing is a potent experience, so it’s important to enjoy responsibly. Make sure to start with a small dose and work your way up.
  • Stay hydrated – Dabbing can be a dehydrating experience, so make sure you stay hydrated when enjoying.


Dabbing is the latest trend in cannabis consumption, offering a more potent and flavourful experience than traditional smoking. Dab rigs come in a wide variety of styles and designs, though they all follow the same basic principles. The nails are the heating element that you’ll use to heat the cannabis concentrate, and the domes or buckets are used to collect the vaporized concentrate so you can inhale it. Dabbing offers many benefits over other forms of consumption, including more potent, healthier, and more flavorful experiences. Start with low doses and make sure you stay hydrated during your first dabbing experience.  Visit Wccannabis.co online dispensary for all your cannabis needs.

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